Friday, March 30, 2007

I have nothing to say today... I'll wish everyone a good weekend.

See you on Tuesday.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Cute picture day!

OH! The wrinkliness! Maybe he needs a dryer sheet.

Waiter, there's hares in my tea! They're cute, but...

Fat belly!

Bunny hugs!


Well, the squid isn't soft and fuzzy, but it is kinda cute!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Doesn't it just frustrate you a lot...

...when you realize that something you want to do conflicts with your beliefs, unexpectedly?

Stupid paintballs are made with gelatin. I don't know if they make vegan ones, but I doubt it.



Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Coming back to work... rarely enjoyable, especially when you take 2 extra days off over the weekend.


I wish I was still at home.

My birthday was nice. The lasagna was perfect, the limeade sweet and tart, the garlic bread garlicky(sp?), and the carrot cake yummy. Val got me 'Sword in the Stone' on DVD, which was great. Her card was SO cute. As soon as I get a digital camera I'll take a picture of her card and post it.

Thanks to those who called and wished me a happy birthday, even if it was late or on time.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Happy birthday to me...

...I'm going home soon, and won't be back until Tuesday of next week.

I'll be 29 on Sunday the 25 March. I'm gonna have vegan lasagna and carrot cake! Yummy!

I don't feel too old.

I need to exercise more than I already am...

Happy bithday dear Frankie...

Read the entire post before link-clicking -or- Why I am vegan

It's not about the health benefits, although those are good.

It's about this.

Be warned that this is graphic. Frankly I couldn't sit through the first .25 of the video, as it made me want to cry and throw up at the same time. And I had it muted here at work, so I have no idea what horrid sounds were in there.

I challenge everyone who reads this blog to click on the link so that you can see where those chicken sandwiches and burgers and steaks really come from. Don't be afraid to learn new things, even if it is difficult. Then have the courage to live according to your convictions, and not to what is convenient.

Truth and knowledge = freedom.

Short, yet great.

"There are four boxes to use in the defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, ammo. Use in that order."

Ed Howdershelt

Monday, March 19, 2007

Signs seen during the weekend...and a random thought

At Bountiful Nutrition: "Scratch a dog's ears, and you've found a permanent job."

Yours, Mine and Ours (a consignment shop) : "We only sell cute stuff."

...and too many bedtime smooches from the wife who smooches while saying "I'm going. I'm going." leads her husband to make statements like this: "Less kisses, more leaving." :)

Friday, March 16, 2007

Pal joey...

"A 7-month-old koala hangs on to his mother at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo in Cleveland, Ohio. The joey is the zoo's 11th koala birth since 1999. "

Cute koalas.

Image and text taken from here in the Offbeat Images link on the right side.

Sniffing out the competition...

"Basset hounds meet and greet one another at the Crufts International Dog Show in Birmingham, England."
I know Val will love this one. Image and text taken from here in the Offbeat Images section on the right side.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Poor polar bears...

...endangered by man, and man is unwilling/scared to do what needs to be done in order to affect a change.

At what point do we realize that every action we take, as humans, has an effect on everything around us? Whether it is driving on the freeway and tapping your brakes when unnecessary, thus backing traffic for 3 miles behind you, or supporting industries that pollute the most and exploit other harmless species ( * cough meat/dairy cough* ), the effect is the same. And most people are unwilling to change their habits/desires in order to change their sphere of influence for the better. They figure that they are either entitled to their excessive behavior, or can't muster the fortitude to make the decision to change their habits.

The .gov should be willing to do what is necessary to help, but people should also be willing to do what needs to be done.

Only those who have a vested interest in not finding a solution are the ones who are vocal about not finding one.

There is no good reason for a cover-up, and neither is there for apathy.

Post 300!!!!!!!1111111oneoneoneone

And it's a picture post, too!
Image and text taken from here.
"Two decades ago, astronomers spotted one of the brightest exploding stars in more than 400 years. Since that first sighting, the doomed star, called Supernova 1987A, has continued to fascinate astronomers with its spectacular light show. NASA's Hubble Space Telescope is one of many observatories that has been monitoring the blast's aftermath. The supernova is located 163,000 light-years away in the Large Magellanic Cloud. This image shows the entire region surrounding the supernova, the most prominent feature of which is a ring with dozens of bright spots, shining like cosmic pearls. Unleashed by the stellar blast, this material is slamming into regions along the ring's inner regions, heating them up, and causing them to glow. The ring, about a light-year across, was likely shed by the star about 20,000 years before it exploded. This image was taken in December 2006 with Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys. "

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A new work computer...

...and I'm excited with it. I wish I could take it home to replace my old home 'puter. Mine is 6+ years old.
For anyone who understands, here are the new one's specs: P-3.4GHz, 1 G RAM, 71 G HD, and a DVD drive. In contrast, my one at home is a P4-1.5 GHz, 768 MB RAM(originally 256Mb) and a 40 & 60 Gb hard drives that I got somewhere, a hardware based DVD drive, and the original CD-RW drive.


Upon further reflection, my system isn't so bad, but it's nowhere near where it needs to be to play Supreme Commander.(This is a game link. Don't click it at work , as you might get in trouble.)

Oh, and happy 22/7 day. (Pi day! You know, the 3.1415 thing.)

Monday, March 12, 2007

Not much happening...

Sorry for being out of touch for so long. It's been busy, and I haven't posted anything that didn't seem worthwhile.

Hope you're all doing well.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

A hole in the Earth...

..and they're gonna go check it out.

This sounds cool. It would be kinda scary to go down, in person, to look at the mantle of the earth. But, it would be exciting too. But, they're sending a robot to do the work.

Still, it would be fun...

That's a LOT of information...

Your link for the day.

"A new study has estimated how much digital information is zipping around -- hint: it's a lot.
The report, assembled by the technology research firm IDC, sought to account for all the ones and zeros that make up photos, videos, e-mail, Web pages, instant messages, phone calls and other digital content cascading through our world today. The researchers assumed that an average digital file gets replicated three times.
Add it all up and IDC determined that the world generated 161 billion gigabytes -- 161 exabytes -- of digital information last year.
That's like 12 stacks of books that each reach from the Earth to the sun. Or you might think of it as 3 million times the information in all the books ever written, according to IDC. You'd need more than 2 billion of the most capacious iPods on the market to get 161 exabytes."

Dude...that's....hmmmmm. I can't even imagine...

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Look at me! Look at me. ... LOOK AT ME!!!!!!

Your other link for the day.

I wonder how outrageous famous people would be if the news didn't follow them around, and if their fans just liked their music/acting ability/voice/etc. If the media always responded with a "meh" instead of a circus and /or a frenzy, I bet they wouldn't do stupid things.

Unfortunately, since sex sells and the world turns on the celebrity axis, it's not gonna stop. So, we get more media obsession with Britney, Anna Nicole and/or anyone else who is willing to exploit/expose themselves.

Sometimes I wish I was blind...Life would be easier.

The death of rap...

at least according to

I agree that rap is a bad influence on society. But, it isn't the only bad influence.

The only question I have is...How the crap does rap qualify as music? Chanting? Yes. Singing? Sometimes. Harmony? No.

Now, I like some 'Rage Against the Machine' and 1 Coolio song, but I won't be sad to see rap lose some of its prominence.