Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Is it June already?

Wow, where has the year gone? 5 months certainly seem to have passed quickly.

I'm afraid I don't have anything to post about today. I apologize, but I figured that you would like to know that I'm not dead.

Thanks for caring! I'm out...

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Not as bad as I thought it would be...

Well, netizens, it's Wednesday, and here is another post.

Today is day 3 for our new supervisor Mark. He's doing quite well. He's very personable, smart, mentally quick, and just a nice guy. I think we'll be all right. Those of you who read my posts know that I was kinda worried, but I'm glad to see that my fears were unfounded.

This'll probably be my only post for the week since I have this Friday off. I look forward to sleeping in a bit, and playing games until my eyes go square. Besides, after the last 2 months, I deserve a few days off.

Have a good Memorial Day.

I'm out...

Thursday, May 18, 2006

I hope Ben doesn't mind...

I'll link an article he has linked on his site.

So, here it is...

Of course, it goes back to security, just like the immigration issue.

I'll get off my soapbox.

But, even soapboxes enjoy privacy. Don't they?

Post 100

Well, this is post #100. It sure has gone quickly, hasn't it?

I was reading this yesterday, and here is my reaction to it.

Are you KIDDING me? To quote someone from Blue Laser..."What the crap!?"

So, because we increase our border security and national security, we're gonna be sued? How is this a violation of their civil liberties, when these people aren't even US citizens? Is it their right to illegally enter this country?

And, if they're gonna break the law, then why should we be worried if they are going to be trying to get in through more dangerous ways? Do we worry about the thug who is going to rob us, whether he is going to be treated humanely, or that what he is doing is dangerous? If we knew he was gonna do it, wouldn't we defend ourselves? If you do something illegal, you take your chances. The law is supposed to protect the innocent, isn't it?

I say we should close the border, build a wall, and patrol it with machine guns and technology to root out tunnel-diggers. Excessive? I think not.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Oh, the horror!

Normally, I feel quite warm. Ask my wife. I rarely have a problem with being not warm enough.

However, recently I have noticed that at work I am increasingly cold. And not just chilled. I'm talking "Man, it's 80 outside, but I think I need a sweatshirt here at work" cold. I think it's because of my diet change, and losing excess body fat. Hence, less insulation.

I suppose that it's a good thing, since it means I'm losing things I needed to lose. But, it is at the same time disconcerting and a little distressing. I've never had this problem before.

Maybe I should stop wearing shorts...

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Oh, my...

I direct all of my loyal readers, (all 3 of you), to my wife's extensive blog post on choosing to live a vegan lifestyle, entitled "A Bold, New Journey".

I will take this opportunity to say that I am joining her in this lifestyle change. It seems like the right thing to do, for myself.

I will also say that it is sometimes difficult. Just the other night, she and I were walking and passed a BBQ that was going on. I love burgers, especially when they are Q'ed. I was almost drawn irresitibly towards the scent, and as a result I almost stopped walking. I admit to having almost 28 years of conditioning and habits to break.

So, it'll be difficult and challenging. But what in this life is worth doing that isn't?

Fianlly, I will say that this is a considered action, well-thought out, on my part. I am doing this because it makes sense to me, not out of coercion or anything else.

Besides, everyone who knows me knows that I'm a softie. It just hurts to think of those poor, mistreated animals.

Take it one step at a time... Outta sight, outta mind.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Earlier Reference...

The 'Bolt it down' from the end of my last post was a reference to the saying "Steal everything that isn't bolted down". Sorry for the confusion.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

5 finger discount...

I had the nastiest dream this morning.

My PS2 is about 5 years old. It either needs cleaning, or updating, or replacing. It's probably cheaper to get a new one than send it to someplace to get it cleaned. And, since it's all hardware, it can't be upgraded.

So. I was dreaming that I had actually stolen a PS2 from GameStop close to us in Centerville. I got caught, and I felt so terrible. It twisted me up inside.

I woke up, and my first thought of the day was "Whew! I didn't steal anything. I'm not in trouble. I'm still honest. Yay!"

But, this makes me wonder if I have a bit of a klepto streak in me that is being repressed. This is the first time I have dreamed something like this, so far as I know.

It certainly was disconcerting.

Bolt everything down!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Doomed to relive history...

Check this out...

I figure that it's gonna happen again. It seems like it already has/is happening.

"This is America," Gabriel said. "Having freedom of speech and saying what is on your mind doesn't make you a criminal and it shouldn't."

Not to mention "unpatriotic" or "seditious", or any of the other adjectives I can think of.

I'm out...

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Good day...

I don't know if it is a good day, but I'm gonna try and be positive...

I really am sorry, but I can't seem to be able to think of anything interesting to talk about right now. I have tried. Honest... Really...

Maybe later on today, something will occur... No promises.