Thursday, March 15, 2007

Poor polar bears...

...endangered by man, and man is unwilling/scared to do what needs to be done in order to affect a change.

At what point do we realize that every action we take, as humans, has an effect on everything around us? Whether it is driving on the freeway and tapping your brakes when unnecessary, thus backing traffic for 3 miles behind you, or supporting industries that pollute the most and exploit other harmless species ( * cough meat/dairy cough* ), the effect is the same. And most people are unwilling to change their habits/desires in order to change their sphere of influence for the better. They figure that they are either entitled to their excessive behavior, or can't muster the fortitude to make the decision to change their habits.

The .gov should be willing to do what is necessary to help, but people should also be willing to do what needs to be done.

Only those who have a vested interest in not finding a solution are the ones who are vocal about not finding one.

There is no good reason for a cover-up, and neither is there for apathy.