Tuesday, September 04, 2007

My self-declaration...

I am a successful person, regardless if someone else says I am or not, if they say I am timid, or scared of others, or whatever. I will become successful in order to help others better themselves, and to show everyone else that I can do what I say I can do. I choose to be successful and wealthy every day.

I will not be part of the 50% of people who get life-changing information and do nothing to change their situation. I will change my situation so that I can become financially independent in 5 years or less.

If someone I love or respect tells me that I shouldn't do what it is that I want to do, I will tell them that I respect their opinion, but that I am going to do what I feel/know is best for me.

My future is mine, and doesn't belong to anyone else. I will make the decisions for myself that I know are best for me.

Heavenly Father wants me to become financially secure so that I can serve Him and others, and help others to better their lives. I can't serve as effectively if I am stuck at a job for 8 hours a day.