Tuesday, November 27, 2007

2 Posts in 1!!!!

2 things tonight:


            First, I just found out that Eastgate Drug will be closing its doors on Saturday, 1 Dec 07. Here is the link for the Channel 8 story. So, for Ben and I, and Lyman Holyoak and any others who may have been employed by Doug, this is the closing of a chapter in our lives. I remember working for Doug while he was still in the old building, and also helping move all of his stuff out of there in to where they are/were now.

I wonder what Doug is saying right now...


            Second, a website that I frequent has a Star Trek questions thread going on. As I have admitted in the past, I am a Trek geek, but not a Trekkie. If you call me a Trekkie, I’m liable to come after you with a power-sander and a bottle of lemon juice. But even I was amazed at the amount of info I have stashed away in my noggin when I was able to answer some of the questions in this thread. Here is the link for it. Read it and see how well you fare.


I’m beginning to think that I ought to get Deep Space 9 on DVD before I get a new computer. That would be sweet!