I apologize if some of you have been trying to get a hold of me. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I was at home with a fever of ~102-103. That and a hacking cough that is still plaguing me, it was NO vacation.
I think the 105 hours I worked in the last 2 weeks contributed to this, along with the average of 100 hours per 2 weeks, plus a lack of sleep, and a really fun vegan pizza party that Val and I went to on Saturday the 15th. Lots of pizzas, and a whole TABLE full of vegan cupcakes, all of different varieties. I am ashamed to say that I lost count of how many cupcakes I had. I lost track after 12 or 13. We had lots of fun watching all of the Indiana Jones movies, and all for $20 for both of us. But...I paid for it all this week.
Sunday was the most miserable day at work I could remember. Even with the heat turned up to 75, a long-sleeved shirt, and my coat, it took me more than 45 minutes to warm up, only to lose all of that precious warmth when I had to go out into the warehouse. I almost fell over a few times...Yeah, good times.
Being sick with a fever makes it really hard to enjoy anything. I didn’t play any computer games because I would have had to expose my hands to the cold outside world. I did watch a few DVD’s, namely ‘The Goonies’ and appendix 5 for ‘Return of the King’. I ate some fruit, and drank lots of water. LOTS of water. Like 6 gallons worth.
The only possible upside to all this is that I dropped ~10 lbs. I’m now down to 220 lbs. I’m becoming quite slim. How nice...
And just as a test, if anyone can actually see this picture, would you please e-mail me and let me know?
I can see an image placeholder where a picture is supposed to be, but no picture... unless it's a picture of an image placeholder.
Then again, you asked to be sent an e-mail if anyone can see the picture, and I can't, and on top of that this isn't an e-mail, so... hmm.
Thank you, Mr. Raty.
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