Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I'm glad I was going to work at 4 this afternoon...

...instead of coming home. A 210k pound tank shifted as it was being transported on a semi, and all NB I-15 was closed.

  And boy did it look nasty. Supposedly the freeway will also have to be repaired since it wasn’t designed to handle that much weight at one place. The only other thing I can think is that it was a very good thing that it didn’t fall off when it was on one of the 2 overpasses there in NSL. That would have sucked even more.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

This story is just a bit too close for my comfort...

...fake bomb threat at Dick’s Market in Centerville.

    I can’t count the number of times that Val and I have walked to this store. It’s 1 mile from our house. We also pass by it every Saturday to go shopping.

   Why do people think it is funny to do stupid things like this? Do they have nothing better to do with their time than call in fake bomb threats? Why not go read a book, play a video game, or be gainfully employed somewhere? Instead, you’ll probably pollute further the gene pool that already is in dire need of Clorox.

   One last note: whoever did it, way to keep an eye out for those security cameras, retard.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ah, humility and weakness...

Jacob 4:7 “Nevertheless, the Lord God showeth us our weakness that we may know that it is by his grace and his great condescensions unto the children of men, that we have power to do these things.”

   The only way that we can ever get to be like Jesus and Heavenly Father is through submitting our wills to Theirs. They will not change anyone; indeed They cannot. But if I will make the conscious decision to let Them make me what They desire, They will. It’s really that difficult and simple. In order to gain the Celestial Kingdom, I must become godly myself. But the only way to do that is not through my efforts alone, but in tandem with the enabling power of the Lord. Grace works to save us, not only at the end of our efforts (after all we can do), but during our efforts to make ourselves better. If we try to make ourselves better by ourselves, we fail. Always. Every time. But if we ask for the help of God along with our efforts, which is a gift of grace to us, then we progress. It may not seem lioke a big distinction to you, but it makes every difference to me.

   You see, I have come to realize, again, that my efforts to do better against my shortcomings and my addictions are ultimately futile, because my strength of will, although a bit considerable, is ultimately finite. Eventually, I will fail. But Jesus never fails. Therefore, if I rely on Him, then I can’t lose. The only way I can is if I do nothing.


Also Jacob 5:22 “And the Lord of the vineyard said unto him: Counsel me not; I knew that it was a poor spot of ground; wherefore, I said unto thee, I have nourished it this long time, and thou beholdest that it hath brought forth much fruit.

   The Lord plants where He thinks is the best, not according to what others think. I may be a poor spot of ground now, or have been in the past; but as the Lord nourishes me, I can be fruitful. I just need time and patience. (True, later on that piece of ground brings up bad fruit, but eventually it gives good fruit. It just takes work and patience.)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Keep your eye on the ball, aim for the target...

...keep your focus on the mark.

   I’ll use the middle part of verse 14:”Wherefore, because of their blindness, which blindness came by looking beyond the mark, they must needs fall.”

   It’s easy to lose sight of our goals, isn’t it? It’s very easy, unless our habits are in line with them. How fortunate a person is whose doesn’t have to re-evaluate very often their course or progress towards their goal.

   I have found for myself that I will be going along, quite nicely, along my chosen path, when I am suddenly/not-suddenly-at-all confronted with a choice that is not at all in line with my goals. Then I have to stop and think about where I am at that point in time, and ask a ‘why did that choice come to me right now?’ sort of question. Then, invariably, I realize that my path has been a deviated course from where I thought I had wanted to go. I wanted to be somewhere else, but I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going and what my choices and habits were leading me. It’s like I had finally woken up to where I was and the poor choices that I had made in order to get to that point.

  I suppose the point to all of this is that I need to make better, consistent choices in order to make better habits for myself, so that I don’t need to keep evaluating whether or not what I am choosing to do is the right thing to do.


Tuesday, July 08, 2008

If your child is obese...

...the stop feeding them crap for food!

   The American Academy of Pediatrics is recommending that children at risk for obesity and/or heart disease be given cholesterol-reducing drugs in order to lower their risk. These children wouldn’t have these problems if they were fed good food, and not what necessarily tasted good.

   I have a news flash for all of ya: Stop your intake of cholesterol, and let the body create its own. Low-fat milk is not the answer, because the fat quantity is based as a percentage of weight. So, that 2% milk you think is so great? Well, that ‘2%’ is the percentage of fat to weight, not calories. One-fiftieth of that glass of pus-ridden ‘beverage’ you are drinking is fat. Mmmmmm. Yummy! If you don’t believe me, go to milksucks.com. Or perhaps you could read a report done by 3rd party scientists whose study isn’t paid for by the United Dairy Council.

   Do yourself a favor, and avoid any side-effects from these unnecessary drugs that are trying to be foisted upon your children: be vegan, and cut your cholesterol intake to 0%. That’s right, to nothing! Eat good food that is also good for you. You will still get saturated fat, but no cholesterol.

   I can’t think of anything more horrid than giving a 3 year-old child some Plavix in order to reduce their LDL count. Hello?!?!?! You are the parent! Be responsible for what you feed your child!!!!

   Finally, if you are what you eat, what are you? Be honest...