Monday, February 15, 2010

Things that make me happy...

·         A good book, and enough time to spend with it that I don’t feel rushed
·         Any sort of meal with pasta in it
·         The chocolate cake that I make for anybody, at any time,
·         Apple fritters,
·         Enough time to play computer games so that I don’t feel rushed,
·         A full gas tank,
·         A positive bank account,
·         9 hours of good sleep,
·         A nice, 20 second hug when I am sad,
·         Playing a game of basketball with my friend or brothers,
·         Valerie scratching my head when I am sleepy,
·         How I feel right after a shower,
·         My teddy bear Grey or my Cabbage Patch doll Tommy,

And finally, the one thing that helps me to be happy-

·         A happy wife.

Edit to add: I also am somewhat ashamed and scared to admit that I like Star Trek a lot-especially The Next Generation and DS9. However, as this also makes me happy, it gets included in the list. I omitted it inadvertently from my previous list. Really, I did.


Vegan Valerie said...

You are so cute, Honey!

But you forgot to add, "Anything Star Trek"! Be one with what is, Goo, because "what is" is YOU, and you are wonderful!

I love you! :)

Vegan Valerie said...

Way to go, Goo! Good job for getting Star Trek onto the list! If it makes you feel any better, Star Trek makes me happy too! :) I love you so much!

crunchyveganwifelife said...

Hello Jordan.....Thank you for joining my legion of vegans....insert manic laughing here!!!!!!
No, seriously, thanks for following me, I will never lead you astray!!!! lol