Monday, February 20, 2006

New Southern Words...

I am a Jeff Foxworthy fan, and I heard some good ones this morning on the radio.

innuendo- A bird just flew innuendo.

witchyadidja- You didn't bring your truck witchyadidja?

Past great words from Jeff:

usetacould- "Can you dance?" "Well, I usetacould."

pandelerium- a cross between pandemonium and delerium... or something.

sinchuous- "Told my old lady, sinchuous up, get me a beer..."

Not much else happening here on Monday. I was sad to hear that Ray Cherry died on Wed. of last week. He was one of the "pillars" in my ward in IF, meaning one of the nicest, most Christ-like guys I've ever had the opportunity to associate with. I'm sure he's happier where he is now. My thoughts go out to Lois, his wife.

I wonder how long it will be before the next "pillar" goes. I know that death is a part of life, and I know what is waiting on the other side of death, but it is kinda sad to have good people go to "the other side" as Ozzy says. "Mourn not for those passed on, but for those left behind." I don't know who said that, but I suppose it's true.

*sigh* Such is life...

Well, stay happy!


Vegan Valerie said...

I thought that you spelled it sensuous... "Sensuous up, get me a drink."

Well, however it is spelled will be fine with me. I love you, Goo!