Wednesday 8 Apr09 – I still have too much pride in me: I read scriptures that talk about the pride, lying, deceit, mischief, hypocrisy, murders, priestcrafts, whoredoms and/or secret combinations in the last days- and I am grateful that I don’t do those things, and that I am better, nominally, than they are. But in reality, I’m not. I have lied, frequently. I have deceived others. Thus I am a hypocrite. I know I have committed whoredoms in my mind. Not physically, but mentally.
It’s hard for me to shake the feelings of superiority, because even though I know I’m doing OK right now, I have it better than a lot of other people in the world do. But, this is no cause for a feeling of smug superiority. On the contrary, I have to realize that my past and present sins make me just as unworthy and as in need of Help as the people who commit those heinous sins are.
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