“Who are you, and what happened in your life that made you so judgmental and self-righteous? There's not a bit of humor on this site - at least, I didn't find any before I gave up digging through older posts. I'd say you're a typical Mormon, but usually they're just uptight about everyone else. I guess if venting online helps you keep your cool in person, go for it.”
How nice that someone doesn’t have the courage to write out, specifically, what it was that they disagree with, nor attach their name to their comments, so that there can be some sort of understanding or dialog. Anonymity is the shield of the ignorant, permitting them to sling their stones without fear of reprisal or response.
Further, it is glaringly ironic that I am called uptight, self-righteous and judgmental by someone who is more obviously these exact adjectives themselves.
Of course, you, sir or madam, may have mistakenly thought that this is a humorous site, dedicated to giving cheap ‘yuks’ to the populace. I’m not sorry to disappoint you. I rarely try to entertain anyone; rather, I attempt to bring my unique point of view to topics I find to be relevant. This site is more for myself, and to let those who know me know what I am thinking about.
The only judgment I passed was that I said he, the return missionary, had lied. No vilification, no hate-mongering, no name-calling. I do still wonder what the Church’s response to this will be, but to me, it doesn’t matter. The Church should obey the law, which says that illegal immigrants are, by their very sobriquet, illegal. However, you can’t hold the Church responsible for the actions of people who either lie to hide their situation, or have rationalized their way out of it. Again, it is the principle that what the Church teaches is true, and not how the members choose to apply those principles.
One of the principles that the Church teaches is responsibility for a choice: if you choose to lie about your citizenship status and you are caught in the lie, you have to be held responsible for it. Now, I know that ‘choice and accountability’ is a foreign concept to a lot of people, but it’s one I uphold and try to live: those who know me know the struggles I have had, and still have, in coming to terms with my poor behaviors.
I am no better than anyone else, nor do I claim any moral superiority. We are all trying to move forward as best we can and know how. I only say that if a person lies that they be held responsible. And if the Church has to choose where it stands, make other religions do the same, so that all are on an equal footing. That is my position- equality for all, and not some sort of ‘Animal Farm’ where some are ‘more equal’ than others. Ultimately, if the law is selectively enforced, then anarchy can only be close behind.
If you are going to anonymously call me the same names that you yourself personify, being either unwilling or unable to back it up with proof or evidence, then you, sir or madam, have no place in calling for me to re-evaluate my position.