Thursday, May 07, 2009

On doing better...

4Nephi 1.16,18 talks about how happy the children of Lehi were after the Savior had appeared to them. Happiness comes because of obeying true commandments because we want to. Their happiness came about because they wanted to do what was right, and they were careful/strict in their obedience, I’m sure. Happiness doesn’t come about because of sloppy behavior, nor from laziness, nor apathy. To be happy, I have to be strict in my obedience and prayers, in my devotion, in my thoughts and in my actions. If I start to feel either complacent in my behavior or weary in doing good things that help me stay on the strait path, then I need to re-orient myself, and ask myself Why I feel complacent.

   I also have realized that I don’t take vague criticisms well. I guess I don’t take any criticism well, to tell the truth. But the vague, undirected barbs hurled at me make it hard to be rational. I don’t like to be called names any more than someone else does, nor to have my thought s be called self-righteous or condescending. I don’t know that I’ll ever feel good about attacking someone’s position (metaphorically speaking). I just want to try and learn from what others say so that I can be a better person. But, those people have to be both constructive and precise in their critiques...

   ...Because no one responds well when they are called names.


   Please help me to do better. Tell me how I can do better. I really do want to improve.