Sunday 29Nov09 – How impressive the human body is! I was reading in Wikipedia about Genomes, naïve T-cells, negative T-cell selection, and other things, and I thought ‘How incredible, literally, is the fact that the human body will be able to do things like store DNA inside of cells, be able to keep one safe from infections after only one exposure to a disease, and that the body will do the best it can on any sort of food that we give it: the food may either still be alive and whole, or it may be cooked, irradiated, denatured and/or toxic, and the body will do the best it can!’ True, if we put sub-standard fuel into ourselves we will have many problems, but just the fact that a person could conceivably live 50+ years on non-living food and still exist is truly amazing.
And then I thought ‘How much better will our lives be if we choose to eat living things, and reduce the amount of cooked food we eat?’ The body, I think, would hardly know what to do with itself. Probably the body would help one to lose weight because it wouldn’t have to deal with the toxic byproducts of metabolizing non-living food, and could thus continue removing the excess weight that most of us carry. I think this process is called the ‘elimination cycle’, and it is tasked with removing all the ‘crap’ that is left in our body after we eat. The sad part is that it is limited by how much activity we get and the amount of time it has in a day in order to work: usually 8 hours. The analogy I have heard, and that I really like, is that the elimination cycle is like a person tasked with shredding 20 boxes of paper (toxic byproducts of metabolic function) in a normal workday. If everything goes ‘normally’ the 20 boxes get shredded and life is OK. If we, by what we eat or drink, add more than 20 boxes to our ‘pile’, say 21, the body stores that excess ‘box’ as fat in order to try and get rid of it at a later opportunity. The really bad part is when we consistently add boxes to our pile and never give the body or the cycle a chance to get rid of its excess: it is constantly overworked and the toxic buildup increases steadily as we continue to add to our pile. Is it any wonder that so many people suffer from poor health as they are not exercising, thus not giving their lymph nodes an exponentially-increased chance of processing toxins, and are constantly eating more than they should or need and at extremely poor times (thanks, Taco Bell and your 4th Meal garbage!) ?
The great part is that as soon as the body has the chance, it will start to deal with the excess boxes we have stored! If we only contribute 19 boxes in a day, the body will take the shortfall and process 1 more box of our excess in order to make up the difference! Thus, the fewer bad things we add to our system, and if we don’t eat at inopportune times (stopping the elimination cycle in its tracks as energy is diverted from elimination to digestion and adding more ‘boxes’ to our pile), the more our body will help to clean us out.
I know that this process works! I was 275 pounds before Val and I changed what we eat. As I started to eat things that were better for me and eliminated all animal products from my diet, I steadily started to lose pounds: I lost 50 pounds, without exercising (!), in 2 years. True, it wasn’t a fast reduction, but I didn’t even get out and jog once in order to permanently lose 1/5th of my body weight. Besides, it was healthier for me to lose the weight slowly rather than drop all 50 in 3 weeks: I put it on slowly, and I lost it slowly.
If you want more info, email Val and ask about the elimination cycle. I think it is found in one of Harvey Diamond’s books. She knows more about it than I do...
I’m getting off of my ‘weight-loss/healthier-living’ soapbox now, but I know that these principles (veganism, the elimination cycle) are true, that they work. And thus can work for anyone if they will invest the effort to take care of their miraculous body.
The 3 Witnesses and the 8 Witnesses all testified that the Plates were real, and the 3 testified that they had been delivered from an angel. And even though a lot of these men turned against the Prophet Joseph, never would they nor did they deny or refute their testimonies or statements concerning the reality of what they had seen... As I think about the awesome responsibility of proclaiming eternally to the world the reality of the Book of Mormon, my spirit is in awe of these men and their dedication to the truthfulness of the latter-day work. And yes, some did turn away, but others didn’t, and all stood by what they had seen, felt and heard.
I have to ask myself: would I be able to do the same?
I like to hear your fervor about the body's lymph system, the circadian rhythm elimination cycle, vegan weight loss, etc.! It's great great great! I love you, Goo! :)
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