Sunday 15Nov09 - Joey Rapp gave a talk today about E’ Holland’s conference talk about holding on to the iron rod, and I thought about how one can ‘hold’ on to the rod. Merely reading scriptures seems so...ineffective. It’s like glancing at a paragraph and getting the gist of it, but no application of principle.
Moroni9.23 – ‘And if they [the Nephites] perish it will be like unto the Jaredites, because of the willfulness of their hearts, seeking for blood and revenge.’ I wonder how many people anger has killed? I remember Pres. Monson’s priesthood session talk about anger, and that it has a harmful effect upon spirituality. It’s too easy to do things that one will regret when they are angry.
I recognize that I have an anger problem, usually because I feel like I am not listened to, my opinion isn’t valued (or sought) or I am ignored. I dislike all of those things a lot (no, really, I hate those things- I think it is because I try to find out what others think and feel, and I want them to do the same), but that doesn’t mean I have to resort to the ‘last-Nephite’ tendency of trembling because of my anger and hardening my heart. Usually what I decide is best, when I remember to do it, is to go away, off somewhere alone and say a prayer (‘When your heart was filled with anger/did you think to pray...?) and then play computer for a bit. Then I can articulate myself better and I am not in the midst of the firestorm of my rage. And that is probably the best thing I can do for everyone involved.
I know I have a long way to go, but I try to do better. It’s troublesome to be so easily beset by such a powerful emotion as anger.
I love you so much, My Goo! I am sorry for adding fuel to your angry fire. I don't ever set out to harm you, yet I do insensitive things without awareness sometimes. Thank you for loving me in spite of me. Thank you for being willing to forgive me. I am always pleased with your efforts to effectively manage your moments of anger. Keep up all the good work that you do. Love you! :)
For what it's worth, I'm grateful to you for your patience with people like me, and I enjoy reading your introspections.
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