Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Oh, the horror!

Normally, I feel quite warm. Ask my wife. I rarely have a problem with being not warm enough.

However, recently I have noticed that at work I am increasingly cold. And not just chilled. I'm talking "Man, it's 80 outside, but I think I need a sweatshirt here at work" cold. I think it's because of my diet change, and losing excess body fat. Hence, less insulation.

I suppose that it's a good thing, since it means I'm losing things I needed to lose. But, it is at the same time disconcerting and a little distressing. I've never had this problem before.

Maybe I should stop wearing shorts...


Vegan Valerie said...

Oh, poor cold gooheart! I love you so much!

Please take a sweater to work with you so that I need not worry about the welfare of your bodily temperatures.

I love you, dearest...