Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Give in to your anger...

Well, I have had it confirmed to me, once again, that ignorant, angry people are stupid. Someone called here at work and was irate about a notice that we had sent out for the Christmas holiday. We will be closed on Monday, and won't send any orders out on Sunday. Any orders sent after the usual cutoff time on Thursday will be delivered Monday.He didn't read the whole notice, and was upset about his interpretation of it. He thought that he wouldn't get an order on Friday like he usually would, which is untrue. So, rather than call up and ask a reasonable question in a reasonable tone, he calls and leaves a voice mail reaming a friend of mine for her incompetency and saying that someone should be shot for being closed for 4 days. What makes people think that it's all right to talk to someone that way? Does every single person fly irrationally off the handle at every little provocation? It seems insane.


Vegan Valerie said...

Jordan, it really is true that giving-in to a moment of anger will most-assuredly be a mistake in the end. It takes real courage and fortitude of character to remain patient in a time of frustration. This truth I know too well because I so often fall short regarding it.

But Jordan, I want you to know that I do love you immensely, and hope that you will forgive my volatile tendencies. I always try to do my best, but I don't always succeed... I am so sorry for that. Dispite my many shortcomings, please know that I care for you deeply, and that I strive everyday to be the best wife that I can for you.

All my love, Goo...