Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Snow tires?

Well, I was .5 hr late this morning, and Monday I was .5 hr late. What really bites about all of this is that it hasn't been my fault. This morning traffic was glacially slow due to the heavy snow that was falling. On Monday, they closed I-15 south and moved/merged 5 lanes of traffic into 2 on to I-215. I wonder how my employer is going to look at my recent tardies. I called my supervisor to let him know, both times, that I was going to be late, and the reason for my tardiness. I just think that I shouldn't be held responsible for situations that are out of my control.

I can hear the accusations now: "You should have left earlier." I left 20 minutes early this morning, and Monday I left 10 minutes early. "So-and-so is never late." Yeah, well he has no traffic to deal with. He's supposed to be here @ 5 AM.

I understand that a standard has to be set to be able to hold everyone accountable, but if it isn't your fault, should you be held responsible? What if the situation is out of your control? I throw the BS flag, 15 yard penalty, as my supervisor would say.


Vegan Valerie said...

Jordan, I love you. And I really hope that you don't get in trouble at work for being late due to unfavorable forcasts. Our Salt Lake Valley's recent frosty weather in combination with usual rush-hour traffic patterns have caused wonderfully atrocious driving scenarios for all of us this season.

When it comes to snow, I for one would much rather roll up snowmen and go sledding than be out on the road in it. Sadly, adult life doesn't lend as easily to such divine and child-like aspirations.

Dearest Jordan, I love you. And I wish the very best for you at work. May your co-workers, supervisors, and friends be ever understanding and kind...