Monday, November 20, 2006

One, and then the other...

Your link for the day...

Dollar coins are a good idea, I think, as long as they are readily available. I have a Sacagawea dollar, but I didn't see a lot of them around.

Now, my other topic for the day.

I enjoy being in choir in church. I love singing. I love singing tenor and/or bass parts. I like Christmas. I like to participate in things I like to do...

So, that is why I'm stoked to be able to be the narrator in our ward Christmas program in church on the 24 Dec 06. I'm also gonna be able to sing! Whoo hoo!

I had fun last night practicing with my mother-in-law and Val the music/cantata we are getting ready for Christmas. So much fun to be able to do things that sound good with other people who sound better than I do.



Anonymous said...
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Daishi said...

I was gonna answer...

I like the idea of $1 coins because I think it would help others keep track of their money better, coins last longer than bills and are less cumbersome.

Argentina uses 1 peso coins, and I liked them a lot. They are as small as quarters and are quite portable.

Eventually this would help the Treasury save money, as they wouldn't need to replace dollar bills/coins nearly as often as they do now.