Thursday, October 13, 2005

Inferiority Complex....

Although I feel like I don't have as many intelligent things to talk about/discuss like my friend Ben does, I wanted to put my musings up for people to see about this: Investigations are underway concerning a "boat trip" that about 20 members of the Minnesota Vikings football team took last Thursday. Employees of the company that chartered the boat say that minutes after leaving the dock, women that the players had brought with them started taking their clothes off, heavy drinking ensued, along with public sex acts. The players harrassed the female employees of the charter company, offering them money to take their clothes off also and join them. Check this out for more info. I'll disregard the fact that alcohol makes idiots, morons and buttwipes out of most people, but what posseses men to think that public sex is all right, and that asking other women to join in on your debauchery is civil at all? I don't care how much alcohol you've had to drink. I have a feeling that these "men" would have acted this way stone-cold sober. What do their wives have to say about this? Why are these losers looked at as role models? I understand that these guys make lots more money than I do, and like my friend Ben, are lots bigger and tougher than I am. But no amount of money, prestige or power entitles people to act in this way. I guess my question then becomes: Why should these men be looked up to? Are athletes really good examples for us to pattern our lives after? What do you think has happened to their senses of decency/decorum. Let me know what you think. I'm out for today.


Anonymous said...

Well, my take on it is that society should never point at any profession and say "these are our role models." A person should be a role model for how they live their life, not for what they do for a living.

I was about to write more, in response to the various questions I'm sure pop up after such a short and simple reply: "But they are role models - kids see them all the time; they can't help but be role models, good or bad." There are several simple ways to deal with that, too, and they're not difficult to figure out.