Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Not Much to Say 2

sorry. the last post i did was in black, so it doesn't show up with the BLACK background. well, i don't have much to say this morning. i think i'm getting sick from a co-worker, 'cause my throat is hurting and the nose is runny. happy happy, joy joy. being sick sucks. at least i have a job that lets me sit for the most part. if i had to walk around for 6-8 hrs per day, i'd have called in sick, or something. i'm a bit upset this morning, because i reinstalled MW3 last night, got past 1 mission, and it crashed again. i don't understand what is making it crap out like this. i patched it and set it to run in windows95 mode, and it still dies. gaaaaaaah! oh well, i might have to google something tonight to see if i can get it to work. *sigh*