Saturday, September 16, 2006

I hate WindowsME!

Really, I do. Do you think I'd be posting on Saturday if I didn't?!?!?

I spent 4 hours this morning trying to get a 6 GB hard-drive ready for a MW2 intall, and every time I load up my wireless network card software, the system locks. Even if it finds the appropriate network, it logs in and halts the system.

Yeah! I don't need internet access to update the OS, do I? Or download drivers! Or look for patches for the game!

Stupid piece of software!

I think I'm gonna have to give up on MW2, at least until I get money for an external drive and a copy of Win95.

XP never does this to me.


Anonymous said...

Windows ME is universally known (and derided) as the buggiest OS published by Microsoft - ever. It's not surprising to hear you're having problems.

Daishi said...

I agree. When I got my current computer, I swore I would never go back to ME......

So much for my promises to myself.

But, I think I figured out how to get what I want from MW2.

I took that drive to work and formatted it w/ Win98. Now we'll see if it works.

Stupid ME.

I really mean it this time: Never again will I use ME.
