Thursday, May 10, 2007


This is my daytime co-worker John.
And this is me, with 'The Fauver Files' in the background.

I'm gonna play racquetball this afternoon. Hopefully I don't suck too much, since I haven't played for at least 6 years. Maybe more. Then, when that is done I'm gonna play ward softball. Then I need to make heart-cards for Dia de madres so I can mail them out tonight.

I'm gonna be sore tomorrow.

By the way, the camera I got is a Canon PowerShot A550, with a 7.1 Megapixel resolution. And best of all, it was free! Yay for SafetyPoints!


Anonymous said...

You are quite the stud~ And Johns not so bad either!! Cool hair dude! Hope Raquet ball was good. I got schooled at around the world the other day. Bummmmmmer. Love You Jord, Congrats on the Digital too, they're fun xoxoxox

Daishi said...

Yes, it is fun. I'm prolly gonna get wiped across the floor by Matt tonight, but it'll be fun.

Anonymous said...

If you'd ever like to get wiped across the floor by someone other than Matt, come on down.