Monday, December 22, 2008

Well, I was gonna say that I have nothing to post about...

...and then I saw what my brother Josh had emailed me today. Thanks, Josh.

   First is the Millennium Falcon sled.

   Second is the Dark Hub of the Sith. I’m not sure that it’s worth $60 bucks, but that does look cool. ThinkGeek always has cheesy things to say/write, but it made me laugh.

   Third, I think the unique lightsaber would be an excellent gift for the aspiring Sith Lord you know. None of this plastic, telescoping-blade crap; custom made, and even crafted to duel with, this screams “ elegant weapon, from a more civilized age.” If you think $140 is worth it, pick one up. Be warned, there are no sound effects with this, but that is a minor trade-off.


Merry Christmas to all of you. Be safe and be happy!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Something funny I saw, and can relate to...

From here... about the Real-Time Strategy game Supreme Commander -


‘Nothing says "It's too late to be playing" like building a Nuke Eliminator and not putting any missiles in it.

"Strategic launch detected."
"Thank God I built that anti-nuke launcher.
Wait a minute, I don't remember...
Son of a bi(CRISPY)"’


This made me laugh a lot. My situation was that I had built my nuke eliminator, and was 1 minute too late in starting my missile build. I got crispied also.


Monday, November 17, 2008

What do all of you/us think of DRM in games?

   DRM stands for Digital Rights Management, and is a way for game publishers to control, notionally anyway, what happens to their creation and to fight piracy. For example, EAGames released a game called ‘Spore’ last month, and users were limited to being able to install the game only 5 times. Ever. If they had a hard drive failure, or had to reformat, or some other catastrophe more than 5 times, then their limit would be reached, and then would have to call EA tech support and plead their case to get the game reactivated.

   Nominally these draconian measures are put in place to stop, or impede, piracy of intellectual property. This is supposed to make it more difficult for people to illegally download the game off of a program like BitTorrent. In reality, the DRM gets cracked either before the actual release of the game, or immediately after. Therefore, the DRM is rendered useless, except for those who decide to follow it.

   Ultimately, the ones who get hosed on this deal are the gamers, like me, who pay good money to be able to play the games. There are games that I have that are 10+ years old that I still play (Dune2). If, in 10 years I want to play my copy of Command & Conquer 3 and I have passed my 3-install limit, and EA is no longer around, what do I do? Maybe EA will still be around, but game developers change on a seemingly constant basis. What happens to the people who paid money to get the game?

   I don’t support illegal downloads. I don’t participate in it. Don’t break the law.

   In this instance, however, I believe I will buy whatever copy of a game that I want, like ‘Spore’, and then download a non-DRM copy to install and then play. Then I am legally playing my game, and can bypass their ineffective and useless DRM. Then I win, and so does the publisher.

   While you may not agree with me, I’d like to know what those of you who read this blog think of DRM and its application.


Friday, November 14, 2008

Umm, if it says it's from Nigeria...

   ...delete it, and forget about it!

   This poor woman, now poor because of her gullibility and overwhelming sense of greed, got suckered by the most well known email scam in the world. She sent over $400k to the scammers, who are probably still giving each other high-fives and chortling with glee at people’s stupidity.

   The worst part is that other people told/asked her to stop, and she decided not to.

   I just sit here, shaking my head and chuckle to myself. I don’t think I can do anything else. Yes, I am a bad person for laughing at other people’s misery. However, if people tell you to stop doing something, and they are knowledgeable enough to do so, then if you don’ bring it upon yourself.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

   The new computer is up and running, and is currently being stress tested to see if everything works. I’ll get pics of it, all done up, in a while.

   Your link for today is about being rude.

   Yeah, I know it’s from Oprah, but it’s a good article.

   Basically, rudeness stems from a lack of respect towards other people. Everyone has been rude at least once in their lives. Most people are rude because they are either selfish or stressed out. In my opinion, there is never any justification for poor behavior, ever. I know that the times I have been rude, I was also being selfish. I had/have no excuse. I have reasons, but they are pretty lame when analyzed by any sort of rational standard.

   The short version is: treat other people in a manner with which you would want to be treated. Don’t be mean. But, if you have to stand up for yourself, do so in a way that is firm and unyielding, but don’t be mean.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

The computer...

   All of my new computer stuff showed up yesterday, and I started the laborious task of getting it all together in to a working unit. You wouldn’t know it by looking on the outside, but there is a lot of effort that goes in to making a computer work; besides all the work to make the separate components, the last task is getting them all to work at the same time.

   I’ll take some pictures so that you are able to see the scope, grandeur and mess that goes in to making your own PC. It may take a while to upload them, but I’ll try.

   Other than that, there isn’t too much else that is vying for my attention right now.

   ...Except for my anniversary, which is tomorrow. It’s hard to believe that we have been married for 5 years now. I don’t know why Valerie puts up with me, as I screw up so often. I am grateful for her kindness towards me, and her laughter. I am glad she loves me, and I know that I am blessed because of it. She deserves better than I can give her...but I try.

   I love you, my precious treasure.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A busy weekend, part 2...

I also took 3 hours on to put together a new PC for myself, which is currently un-ordered, for ~$1850. I still need to get the last $350 saved, so I might not have a new PC until the new year, but at least I have a definite idea of what I want, and how much it’s going to cost. It’s sweet. I’m going to see if I can link it so you can see it too.

   Also, a link to a webcomic I find hilariously funny: here. It is tangentially related to my getting a new PC, as it will have Vista on it.

   No link for my projected PC, but I think I was able to post it on the blog. I’ll have to see if it made it when I get home.;

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A busy weekend...

   I had to reformat my computer on Friday because some of the System32 drivers had become corrupted and had, in turn, corrupted other files. That took at least 4 hours to get Windows back on and updated. Add in programs, restoring the correct backups and such, and that took most of the day.

   Saturday was errand/shopping day, which is always busy.

   Sunday was OK, especially since I didn’t have to go to work. But, I had forgotten to reload the drivers for the printer, and so we didn’t make it in time for Sacrament mtg., since Val needed something printed out for her calling. That and the printer decided to start acting up and not print correctly.

   Yesterday was Val’s birthday. Her cake was very yummy. We did some fun things, had a good vegan Italian meal at a downtown SLC restaurant, went home and played Super Smash Bros. on the ‘cube.


I suppose that it doesn’t seem like a lot when it’s written out, but the computer took all of Friday to get back. By the way, Windows takes forever to update. Maybe it’s just because my computer is old, but Service Pack 2 (SP2) took ~45 minutes to finally download, and that was at ~4 in the morning on Friday, when there is a minimum of network/internet traffic. Then it took another 30 minutes to install. Jeez, I guess next time I’ll have disks nearby with all of the SP’s on them.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Good day, bloggers!

   One thing before I get to what I have to say, I’d like to make an announcement: it’s Ben’s birthday today! Felicitous wishes of another year of life passed to you, cherished acquaintance. I’m sure he’d appreciate it if you contacted him in some way and wished him a happy birthday, but only if you mean it.

   Now, on to my topic for today.

   There seems to be a mathematical equation involved in everyday life. It affects me, you, everyone around you, those we interact with, etc. It is like the Matrix: it is all around us, penetrating everything. Here it is, first as an equation, then the explanation: f(O) = 1/M+K. The strength of an opinion is inversely proportional to the openness of a person’s mind and the amount of knowledge they have. In other words, stupid people (or people with very little seeming knowledge) have the strongest opinions, and evidence cannot sway them. (I hope I did the equation correctly. I’m sure someone will tell me if I didn’t.)

   There are people in my family, on which side I refuse to say, that are of the opinion that Valerie and I being vegan is an evil thing to do. We hear 3rd person accounts, from reliable sources, that we are seen as ‘mentally deficient (my interpretation)’ or deluded, or weird. Of course, these same people won’t come and talk reasonably to us. No, they have to vehemently disavow and distance themselves from us in order to keep themselves...clean, somehow. If we make something to eat, inevitably the question arises ‘Is it vegan?’ If it is, they won’t have anything to do with it. Never mind that we have gone to great effort in order to make something suitable for EVERYONE, and not just the flesh-eaters. Nope, it is classed as trash and dismissed just as quickly.

  The infuriating part is that the people who hold these opinions are the most vocal in their disdain of anything different, i.e. they are the loud-mouths in the family. So, rather that others coming to Val or I with questions about veganism, they hear the blabber-mouth and decide that she is right. These people are a closed-minded lot, but extremely sure that all that they say and do is correct. There is no second chance for us to make yummy food for them in order to show them that they are mistaken that vegan food is better than lesser food., because they are staunch in their bastion of thought.

   It also doesn’t matter that I could quote scripture and verse to them in order to support my position; no, I learned in the mission field that fighting verbally with someone in order to prove a point is useless, at best. So, I am left with no other alternative except to blog-post, and simmer in silence.

   However, the people who are the most open-minded are the ones who are more educated, and have had opportunities to encounter situations that help them to see things from a different point of view. Seeing things from a different perspective is called consideration, isn’t it?

  My challenge to you who read this, and to myself, is to educate ourselves so we can be more understanding of people. Rather that making an immediate blanket dismissal of something, find out first what the motivations are for the behavior, then see the effects of the behavior, and then judge accordingly. After all, ‘By their works shall ye know them’.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

   OK, a few things to link today.

   On a sad, depressing note: Richard Wright, keyboardist for Pink Floyd died yesterday from cancer.  Son of your mother!!!!! He was only 65?!?!?!?! GAAAH! I honestly sat here for 5 minutes, at work, and did nothing as I tried to digest that he was gone. In my heart I hoped that the Floyd would tour one more time. Now it won’t happen.

   Second thing is a link that Ben sent to me about the effect of eating rotting, decaying flesh on the environment and global warming. Here it is.

   I will echo Ben’s sentiment when I say “DO IT BECAUSE IT’S THE RIGHT THING TO DO!!!!!!”

   Now I will propose something to reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses being expelled that is so shocking in its simplicity that it will confound, stymie and otherwise make your cognitive functions grind to a smoking, shuddering, wheezing halt: we make people pay full price for the carcasses they consume. So, no government subsidies to animal torturers, no water benefits, no tax breaks, no anti-defamation laws (which by the way are illegal. What happened to the first amendment? Free speech and all that...). People pay the full price for their putrefying skin and muscle. If they want it, they can pay for it.

   If they had to do that, there would be no more meat industry, because the cost would rise so high that it would be unattainable to anyone, even Bill Gates. Know why? Because if you factor in the cost of land that has been destroyed by grazing, and the water pollution caused by the feces (ßI changed that word from what I had there previously. You should be proud of me for my restraint.) of cattle being hosed in to our waterways, and the air pollution from the fossil fuels burned, and the methane from cow farts, there is no unreasonable price that could be set. I don’t know about you, but I like having clean air to breathe, and clean water to drink. Can you put a price on that last lungful of air you just inhaled? How about when you are thirsty, but all you could get is a glassful of tap water that has fecal particulates and bovine antibiotics in it? Sounds great, doesn’t it?

   If they want it, they can pay for it. Oh, the cost is priceless? I guess you won’t get your burger then, will you?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

   Well, here is an update for all of you blog-readers out there:

   I now work from 5PM until whenever, so I don’t have a lot of time to post anymore. It’s very frustrating to see or read things and have neither the time nor the inclination to write a scathing, rage-filled diatribe. I also don’t want to just post a link to something and say “This sucks and it really makes me mad...” I want to do justice to the topic I choose. It also bites that I can’t post pictures from work. *blah*

   Now, it is time to choose a suitable topic for today...

   Ah yes...

   “It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine...”

   The Large Hadron Collider goes online today. True, it is only starting to send a hyper-accelerated beam of particles in one direction. Soon it will be creating 2 or more streams in opposite directions and then colliding them to study Planck/quantum events and leftovers...

   "I don't know how you can say that. Although I will admit that the possibility of a resonance cascade scenario is extremely unlikely, I remain uncomfortable with the---"
   "Gordon doesn't need to hear this. He's a highly trained professional. We have assured the Administrator that nothing will go wrong."
I think I’ll keep my aluminum T-ball bat close at hand just in case they open up an inter-dimensional portal and the headcrabs (from the game Half-Life, where the above quote is from. That quote makes me smile, because I know what happened after...) or the legions of Hell (Doom) come spewing forth. Maybe right now would be a good time to stock up on semi-auto rifles and powerful handguns...Food and water also...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I'm glad I was going to work at 4 this afternoon...

...instead of coming home. A 210k pound tank shifted as it was being transported on a semi, and all NB I-15 was closed.

  And boy did it look nasty. Supposedly the freeway will also have to be repaired since it wasn’t designed to handle that much weight at one place. The only other thing I can think is that it was a very good thing that it didn’t fall off when it was on one of the 2 overpasses there in NSL. That would have sucked even more.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

This story is just a bit too close for my comfort...

...fake bomb threat at Dick’s Market in Centerville.

    I can’t count the number of times that Val and I have walked to this store. It’s 1 mile from our house. We also pass by it every Saturday to go shopping.

   Why do people think it is funny to do stupid things like this? Do they have nothing better to do with their time than call in fake bomb threats? Why not go read a book, play a video game, or be gainfully employed somewhere? Instead, you’ll probably pollute further the gene pool that already is in dire need of Clorox.

   One last note: whoever did it, way to keep an eye out for those security cameras, retard.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ah, humility and weakness...

Jacob 4:7 “Nevertheless, the Lord God showeth us our weakness that we may know that it is by his grace and his great condescensions unto the children of men, that we have power to do these things.”

   The only way that we can ever get to be like Jesus and Heavenly Father is through submitting our wills to Theirs. They will not change anyone; indeed They cannot. But if I will make the conscious decision to let Them make me what They desire, They will. It’s really that difficult and simple. In order to gain the Celestial Kingdom, I must become godly myself. But the only way to do that is not through my efforts alone, but in tandem with the enabling power of the Lord. Grace works to save us, not only at the end of our efforts (after all we can do), but during our efforts to make ourselves better. If we try to make ourselves better by ourselves, we fail. Always. Every time. But if we ask for the help of God along with our efforts, which is a gift of grace to us, then we progress. It may not seem lioke a big distinction to you, but it makes every difference to me.

   You see, I have come to realize, again, that my efforts to do better against my shortcomings and my addictions are ultimately futile, because my strength of will, although a bit considerable, is ultimately finite. Eventually, I will fail. But Jesus never fails. Therefore, if I rely on Him, then I can’t lose. The only way I can is if I do nothing.


Also Jacob 5:22 “And the Lord of the vineyard said unto him: Counsel me not; I knew that it was a poor spot of ground; wherefore, I said unto thee, I have nourished it this long time, and thou beholdest that it hath brought forth much fruit.

   The Lord plants where He thinks is the best, not according to what others think. I may be a poor spot of ground now, or have been in the past; but as the Lord nourishes me, I can be fruitful. I just need time and patience. (True, later on that piece of ground brings up bad fruit, but eventually it gives good fruit. It just takes work and patience.)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Keep your eye on the ball, aim for the target...

...keep your focus on the mark.

   I’ll use the middle part of verse 14:”Wherefore, because of their blindness, which blindness came by looking beyond the mark, they must needs fall.”

   It’s easy to lose sight of our goals, isn’t it? It’s very easy, unless our habits are in line with them. How fortunate a person is whose doesn’t have to re-evaluate very often their course or progress towards their goal.

   I have found for myself that I will be going along, quite nicely, along my chosen path, when I am suddenly/not-suddenly-at-all confronted with a choice that is not at all in line with my goals. Then I have to stop and think about where I am at that point in time, and ask a ‘why did that choice come to me right now?’ sort of question. Then, invariably, I realize that my path has been a deviated course from where I thought I had wanted to go. I wanted to be somewhere else, but I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going and what my choices and habits were leading me. It’s like I had finally woken up to where I was and the poor choices that I had made in order to get to that point.

  I suppose the point to all of this is that I need to make better, consistent choices in order to make better habits for myself, so that I don’t need to keep evaluating whether or not what I am choosing to do is the right thing to do.


Tuesday, July 08, 2008

If your child is obese...

...the stop feeding them crap for food!

   The American Academy of Pediatrics is recommending that children at risk for obesity and/or heart disease be given cholesterol-reducing drugs in order to lower their risk. These children wouldn’t have these problems if they were fed good food, and not what necessarily tasted good.

   I have a news flash for all of ya: Stop your intake of cholesterol, and let the body create its own. Low-fat milk is not the answer, because the fat quantity is based as a percentage of weight. So, that 2% milk you think is so great? Well, that ‘2%’ is the percentage of fat to weight, not calories. One-fiftieth of that glass of pus-ridden ‘beverage’ you are drinking is fat. Mmmmmm. Yummy! If you don’t believe me, go to Or perhaps you could read a report done by 3rd party scientists whose study isn’t paid for by the United Dairy Council.

   Do yourself a favor, and avoid any side-effects from these unnecessary drugs that are trying to be foisted upon your children: be vegan, and cut your cholesterol intake to 0%. That’s right, to nothing! Eat good food that is also good for you. You will still get saturated fat, but no cholesterol.

   I can’t think of anything more horrid than giving a 3 year-old child some Plavix in order to reduce their LDL count. Hello?!?!?! You are the parent! Be responsible for what you feed your child!!!!

   Finally, if you are what you eat, what are you? Be honest...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

I'm a firm believer...

   ...that when someone gets offended by something I choose to do, it is either because they/you are ignorant as to why I do it, and/or they/you infer some sort of judgment, from me, about you/themselves. (Sorry for all of the slashes. It wont happen again./)

   I reference the plethora of 3rd person accounts of people who have inactivated themselves from the LDS church because of actions, statements or policies that either people in authority have put in place, or said, or instituted, etc. ad nauseum. “Bishop so-and-so said this, and I’m never going back to church until he’s not bishop anymore and he moves out!” “The church let blacks have the priesthood. Well, they’re wrong, the Negroes don’t deserve it. The church can’t be true because of such an outrageous doctrine.” “Brother so-and-so is such a lame neighbor. I hear him out in his yard swearing at the kids who walk on his lawn. I know he knows he’s supposed to not talk like that. I’m not going to keep going to church because he is a bad person.” We’ve all heard things like this, or have thought them to ourselves. Our choice is how we will react to these supposed ‘slights’.

   I am vegan because I choose to be, in order to alleviate the suffering of helpless animals that have no choice for themselves, and can’t escape their loathsome existences. I do not want to exploit any animal, because to do so is morally wrong. It is wrong because animals have souls, and will be exalted in the Celestial kingdom along with the righteous. Did you hear me? They will be exalted, and have souls! They are not dumb, and they are not to be used as food, except in extreme circumstances. If you don’t believe me, go read D&C 89:12-14 and then come back and we’ll talk. The only justification for animal consumption is if you’re going to die and that’s all you have. Nothing else. They are, spiritually speaking, only different from us in their inability to choose for themselves what to do. They are God’s creations as much as we are. They have as many rights as dogs and cats do.

   Keep your situational ethics out of the discussion, please. Just because you don’t want to offend someone by not partaking of their egg-infested cake or brownies, is a pathetic excuse. And if you think that being vegan is a ‘higher law’, then live it! If you think that, you have an obligation to live it, and to do it. Enforce it in your house, and don’t worry about that you might offend someone. Don’t be wishy-washy. And I also have a news flash for all of you LDS carnivores: what do you think the Millennium is going to be like? 1000 years of peace. No violence. The lamb and the lion will lie down together, the lion will eat straw. Doesn’t sound like animals will be killed for food, does it? ; which, by the way, is violence of the worst sort- violence against the helpless.

   The thing that fries my cookies (poor metaphor, but there it is) is that 99% of the church who have temple recommends say they live the Word of Wisdom, and they don’t. I suppose that the caveat is that they don’t know that they aren’t living it. Pay attention to your scriptures! Interpret them for yourself and pray for understanding! Don’t be a sheep and take someone else’s word for it. THINK FOR YOURSELF!!!!

   I know of 3 people, who are relatives of mine, who think that Val and I have gone off the deep end because we are vegan. One of them, whose father is a cattle-rancher, is offended because it isn’t possible that her father does anything morally wrong, so she is offended both on his part, and her own.  Her soon-to be husband is of the opinion that he has to have meat and that anything that doesn’t have necrotic, decaying animal flesh is ultimately weakening. He also follows her in a lot of things. The last person feels that veganism is morally wrong, even though she can’t elaborate as to why she thinks that. She just thinks that it is wrong. (I am pleased that I kept all of my negative comments about these people to myself. Aren’t you proud? And believe me, those thoughts are there. Lots of them.)

   The problem with these and other people who profess disbelief and amazement at our eating habits is that so very few are even slightly interested as to why we do what we do. If we were to tell them anything, that might mean they have to change, or do something different. Oh no, the horror of it!!!!

   I have real problems with ignorance. My mother says that we Fauvers do not ‘suffer fools gladly’. But, in a sense everyone is ignorant of some things. No one knows it all. What I have a problem with is willful ignorance, and disrespect to go along with it.

   An example: if Val and I provide a vegan dish that tastes good and we make enough for everyone, why is it sneered upon and seen as inferior? Or why is it not sufficient and something else, which is not vegan, has to be brought to ‘supplement’ our food? What, your decaying flesh is better than what we took the time and $ to make? Thanks for the disrespect. And by ‘thanks’ I mean that you can keep it to yourself.

   Don’t whine to me about inclusion. Try being vegan for 1 week, preferably around Thanksgiving or Christmas, and then go to family parties. MMMMMmmmm. Noodles and tomato sauce, while everyone else eats a dead bird or a hunk of flesh. Then come back and whine about including everyone.

   If you choose not to eat what my wife and I prepare, fine. But it is your choice. Don’t come trying to ‘supplement’ our food, that we worked hard on, with your unholy swill, whining about how you don’t like it, or how you prefer ‘real’ meat. Don’t eat it, and do it out of choice. True, Val and I choose not to eat meat out of choice, but ours is a moral choice, and theirs is personal preference. Our choice is not morally wrong. Theirs is.

   What is wrong is always wrong, no matter if you believe it or not. You can sin in ignorance, and God will forgive you. But, He knows if you know something, and when you started knowing it. You will be held accountable.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Not just organic farming...

...but it’s VEGANIC farming! Whoo hoo!

   Apparently veganic farming is similar to organic, but it doesn’t use any animal fertilizers or animal products, nor the approved pesticides that can be used on organic produce.

   I hadn’t ever heard of this, but it sounds like a very good idea. The less impact we have on the eco-system, the better off we are. Besides, I like knowing that my produce is 100% cruelty free.

Monday, April 21, 2008

I spent 4 hours yesterday in a fitting room at Kohl's...

...trying on new suits for the wedding here in a week. 4 HOURS! Val and I knew I needed a new suit, since the pants on my other suit had snagged open a huge hole on a hymn book 8 months ago, and the suit is at least 10 years old. It wasn’t going to be cheap nor easy to repair the suit, since it was so old and worn. So, we went to Kohl’s to see if they had any suits that were vegan: no wool, silk or anything like that.

   We got there, and after a tiny bit of searching we found a plethora of suits that fit the bill, made of a polyester and rayon blend, made by Haggar. But, we wanted to make sure that everything fit correctly, so Val shuttled in pants, coats and new, white shirts while I tried on what she brought in. She would also give her opinion of how they looked. There were a LOT of choices, so it took a long time. I was REALLY tired of trying on clothes, and standing for so long.

   By the time it was over I had chosen a grey suit that I liked as soon as I saw it, a black suit that Val thought I should get, and 2 new shirts. I left behind a very pale olive-green/light grey suit, since I didn’t NEED 3 suits. Maybe in the future I’ll piock up a light suit like that...On Friday I’ll go get a few new ties to add to my tiny collection of non-silk ties.

   The best part is that with all of the in-store discounts and coupons we had, all of this came out to ~$281. Normally it would have been more than twice that ($600), but it was this particular store’s grand opening here in Centerville, and the nice manager gave us a 20% discount for using a Kohl’s card, instead of the usual 15%.

   I will post pictures when I get a chance, but I will say that I look smokin’ hot in the grey suit. Really.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tradition: the thief of rational thought and spirtuality...

   I would like to start out this post by saying that comments for discussion are welcome from now on, on any topic I post about, or any questions you may have. I would also like to apologize to Mr. Raty and ask for forgiveness, if you feel I deserve it, for being easily offended and incommunicado. From now on, if I don’t think that I can reasonably discuss something without being defensive or angry, I will say so, and bow out. I will do my best to provide accurate info in a timely manner, but I won’t always make it. Please be patient and communicative all of you, and give me a chance. Sorry for being a jerk, Ben. I crave forgiveness.


   In an e-mail discussion with a friend of mine, he said that his soon-to-be father-in-law is “steeped” in tradition. He observed that people have a hard time breaking away from tradition because it means that they have to blaze their own path, which is hard. He also lamented how much it costs to plan a “traditional” wedding.

   My opinion, reinforced more and more as I ‘talk’ (more like answer questions when asked and then watch as the asker goes ‘nuclear defensive’) to others about being vegan, is this: that tradition, doing that which has always been done, or that which has been done for so long that it no longer has a clear beginning, takes away the decision-making opportunity for most individuals. I should clarify: the opportunity isn’t taken away, but most people, depressingly, never think about “why” they are doing something. They never evaluate the habits that they indulge in.

   Now, obviously, there are some decisions or habits that should only be made once, and then re-evaluated only out of necessity. I quote D&C 68:25 “And again, inasmuch as parents have children in Zion, or in any of her stakes which are organized, that teach them not to understand the doctrine of repentance, faith in Christ the Son of the living God, and of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of the hands, when eight years old, the sin be upon the heads of the parents

  26 For this shall be a law unto the inhabitants of Zion, or in any of her stakes which are organized.

  27 And their children shall be baptized for the remission of their sins when eight years old, and receive the laying on of the hands.

  28 And they shall also teach their children to pray, and to walk uprightly before the Lord.

  29 And the inhabitants of Zion shall also observe the Sabbath day to keep it holy.

  30 And the inhabitants of Zion also shall remember their labors, inasmuch as they are appointed to labor, in all faithfulness; for the idler shall be had in remembrance before the Lord.”

   Obviously regular prayer, scripture study, Sabbath observance, service and the like should always be done, especially if we have a testimony of it. But I would assert that we should always be cognizant of “why” we do these things, to always have a remembrance as to what purpose these activities serve. We should decide, early on, that we will obey the Word of Wisdom in all of its respects (see my post from Monday 7Apr08), that we will obey the Law of Chastity in all respects, and that we will commit ourselves to the Gospel of Jesus Christ as it has been revealed in the latter days, and that we will teach our children these things, and do our best to see that they also live these principles as long as they are in our care. These sorts of things should be decided once, and then we move forward. There shouldn’t be any vacillation between whether we should do something right or not.

   Any of us who have served LDS missions realize the power of tradition in people’s lives. Religious tradition can be one of the most powerful forces on earth, promoting either righteous, valiant service in furthering God’s kingdom, or fostering the most stultifying ignorance imaginable. And unfortunately, this ignorance is not endemic to only those who are not members of the Church, but to those inside as well. I’m sure those of you who read this know of adults whose testimonies (if any) are borrowed from their parents or their forebears. They have no light of their own. These are the sorts of people who seem to be grateful to have ancestors who came across the plains as pioneers, or whose predecessors joined the Church while living in Europe in the 1850’s. They profess to be very blessed to be a member of the Church, but when asked to fulfill a calling, they decline. When asked to home teach, their dedication is minimal. When asked to volunteer for service, their hand never goes up. Tradition of Church membership has failed to help this person gain a burning, activating testimony. All they can do is mouth the words, but the feeling is absent. Their works don’t match with their protestations of faith.

  There are, of course, other traditions of equal or greater power outside of faith or religious promulgation. One in particular is food. I know, for myself, that I like to eat a lot of the things I ate while I was growing up. A favorite of mine is gorditas with limeade. Gorditas are flour tortillas, heated on a skillet, with refried beans, cheese, guacamole and BBQ sauce. Mmmmmm, yumminess! Before I was married, I had those almost every night for dinner. For a while I did without the guacamole, but I did the bean and cheese thing consistently. There were things that I wouldn’t eat, but they were few and far between. I didn’t like raw tomatoes, nor raw avocado. I am no stranger to the seduction of food, as is attested to by my previous record weight of 275 pounds. I was pretty much convinced that the only good food was the kind that I couldn’t fit into my mouth. No one said I was fat; in fact, when I told people how much I weighed, their response was a shocked “You don’t look that heavy!”

   There are good kinds of foods, and there are bad kinds. I don’t think that anyone will dispute that. If you feel like I am mistaken, let me know and I will be happy to discuss it, reasonably, with you. But, there are things to eat that are socially responsible and physically helpful/good, and things that are physically and environmentally destructive/bad. 85% of all grain grown in the US goes to feed livestock that is eventually killed so you can eat it. Furthermore, that grain is only partially digested and is dumped (intentional pun) out the back end of the cow. Livestock methane emissions are the 2nd biggest contributor to global warming behind CO2 emissions from cars and factories. But, that cow poop has to be cleaned up somehow, so factory farms use ~10 million gallons of water per 10k head of cattle per day! PER DAY! And guess where that water goes? Nope, not to the treatment plant, but right in to whatever waterway is convenient, be it a creek, river, stream, whatever. In ~10 years the Ogalala aquifer will be dried up because of the use for the water to clean off cows every day. Range cattle are more destructive, but I will not comment on them right now.

   It is sufficient to say that clearing away the rain forest and turning verdant land in to desert only to satisfy a craving or a tradition is asinine or ignorantly destructive at best, morally reprehensible at worst, and an inefficient way to use our resources. Remember how 85% of US grain goes to livestock? How about using that grain to feed people instead of cows? Imagine how much space there is in the US, and how much of it is used to grow things. We could use all of that to feed ourselves instead of an ungulate horde. We’d save water, breathable air, and our ecosystems.

   I’m all in favor of making people pay full price for their meat, since the meat industry is one of the most heavily subsidized industries around (The dairy industry is another one). If it weren’t subsidized to the extent that it is now, the price of meat would go up ~300%. Maybe more. In fact, the cost is incalculable, due to the fact that clean air, clean water and diverse ecosystems are beyond value.

   Would you rather have that burger you're salivating over, or have good air to breathe? If you think I’m hyperbolizing, here is a fact for you Skippy: the rain forest is being cleared away at the rate of ~1 acre every 4 seconds. That’s, quick math everyone!, 21600 acres every day (15 acres/minute*60 minutes/hour*24 hours/day). I don’t have any comparison as to how much land that is, but it’s more than we can afford to lose since that land holds trees that convert the CO2 we emit back to oxygen we need to breathe.

   This started out as a discussion about tradition. Another name for tradition is habit. There are good habits and bad habits. Be aware that what you do, or say, or are affects those around you, possibly in ways you cannot comprehend. Be responsible for the things you do and the choices you make. Don’t do things just because you’ve always done it that way, but realize “why” you do it. Realize the consequences of giving in to habits that are destructive and harmful both to yourself, and to those who you are in contact with. Choose responsibly, choose products that are environmentally friendly, and ask yourself : “What is the real cost of this thing I’m buying? What effect will I have around me if I buy it? Whose efforts am I supporting? Do they care about me, or are they out for themselves, regardless of the cost?”

  Break bad habits. Substitute good ones, even if they cost more monetarily. In the end, the $ cost is lots less than not being able to breathe without coughing, isn’t it?

Monday, April 14, 2008

I'm sure I'm going to Hell for laughing... this. There seems to be a LOLCat translation of the Bible, which is cute, but I’m sure I condemned myself by laughing at it.


If you need to know where LOLCats come from, check this site out.

Monday, April 07, 2008

When are you meat-eaters going to realize... (green words are links)

...that animals are not resources!?!?!?!

Animals are animals. They have feelings, they hurt and feel pain, they react to stimuli. Since they are alive, they also have spirits. Do you think God like it when people/you kill His creatures indiscriminately? Or to sate your addictions? Would you like to be referred to as a resource? They are not to be exploited, used, or abused only to satisfy your addictions. Just because you are too weak-willed to admit that you don’t even want to try and quit, or that you should, for your own sake and the planet’s, doesn’t make further slaughter any more justified. If you give the weak-assed justification “Everything in moderation” excuse, well, that means some drug use is OK, isn’t it? How about I pick up a prostitute once a month? That’s fine, isn’t it? It’s only once a month... How about a bit of murder? Once a year all right?

If you LDS people have a problem with this, I refer you to the 89th section of D&C. The only place that it says that it is OK is in verses 12 and 13, where it says they are to be used sparingly, ONLY IN TIMES OF WINTER, COLD OR FAMINE!!!!!!!!!!! Not whenever you feel like it, nor when it is convenient, but out of dire NECESSITY! If you are going to die, then it’s OK, but not at any other time! Priesthood commemoration steak fries? OUT! Bacon and pancakes with milk for breakfast for Father and Son’s outings? Nope! Fried chicken at Elder’s quorum activities? Unnecessary...

Go ahead and try to justify your position and say “But Jordan, it references in verse 15 section 49:18, which reads “And whoso forbiddeth to abstain from meats, that man should not eat the same, is not ordained of God;” Read this verse very carefully. Whoever tries to forbid me from abstaining from/not eating meat is not ordained of God. So, if you are going to tell me that I am wrong for not eating meat, I have a news flash for you: you’re the one who is wrong. My ward members who want to call Child Protective Services because I let my 13 year-old child choose not to eat meat (in other words, he chooses for HIMSELF!), you can shove off. You are the ones who are deluded.

Don’t tell me that eating meat in today’s world is ordained of God, especially here in the US. It isn’t. I’m pretty sure that Heavenly Father nor Jesus approve of factory farms (I haven’t read the whole article, I only provide the link to illustrate what a factory farm is. Don’t those breeding sows look comfortable?), nor of raping the earth or the water we drink in order to sustain them. There is NOTHING good that comes from eating meat or animal products of any kind. Those who claim otherwise are deluded and ignorant both of the extent to which meat/animal products contribute to diseases of every kind, and the extent to which the industies destroy everything associated with them. Those who claim so are either ignorant, at best of the devastation, or are being paid by the industries themselves, at worst.

In places like Argentina, where there are few vegan alternatives, you can still choose to eat vegetables. Here in the US, the only excuse someone has is that they are TOO DAMN/ F’ING LAZY AND/OR ADDICTED TO ANIMAL PRODUCTS THAT THEY CAN’T STOP. That’s it: you just choose not to. They aren’t necessary to us, they are a luxury item. There are better plant alternatives, but you are too lazy.

Don’t try and justify to me as to why you can’t stop contributing to wholesale desecration and slaughter of God’s precious creations. Cheese tastes too good to give up? Tough. Steaks are too good to pass up? Quit whining. Milk is better at giving calcium that vegetables? Get real, pull your head out, stop being a pawn of the milk industry and get educated on the realities of calcium. Animal protein is better for human consumption than plant protein? A question for you: Which is more complex and therefore harder to break down and digest, plant or animal protein? Remember that all protein has to be completely broken down and then reconstituted in order to be utilized by the body. I can’t use zebra protein if it is not broken down first. Neither can you. Which is easier to process?

Stop being a pawn, realize that you are addicted to animal products, and choose to not support the destruction of the earth. Methane emissions from factory farm animals is the 2nd largest contributor to global warming. Where do you think all of the sewage from those farms go? That’s right, in to the water YOU DRINK! The rain forests are being cleared at a catastrophic rate in order to supply your meat addiction. Thanks a lot: In 20 years they will be gone and then we’ll all suffocate because you had to have a burger. You think I exaggerate? Hardly. I could reference painstaking studies that say that if we don’t stop de-forestation, we as a species will be doomed. Another question: how long has that flesh been dead that you are eating, whether avian, bovine or fish? MMMmmmm...rotting flesh. Delicious. And do you think that the USDA cares about protecting you? If you knew the truth, they are more concerned about keeping the businesses working, because the businesses then either kick-back to the USDA officials or they get other benefits, either monetary or otherwise. Also, the USDA has a dual mandate: protect consumers and protect the well-being of agriculture. Who do you think the USDA caters to more? Repeat after me, children...”CONFLICT OF INTEREST!” How much pus, growth hormone, antibiotics and morphine are in that glass of frosty cold milk that you just drank? Remember, factory farms are built for profit, not for taking good care of the cows, so a cow can be mistreated and still produce, even when it has been over-milked and its udders are sore and bleeding.

Admit you have a problem, and that there is a better way to live. Just because something has always been one way doesn’t make it correct or right. What is wrong has always been wrong, regardless of the situational circumstances. Don’t be too lazy to change yourself. The whole point of the gospel is to better ourselves. Commit to yourself that you will do differently, stop contributing to animal cruelty and therefore be a more responsible person.

For myself, I want God to be pleased with me, as he says in verse 13 of section 89: “And it is pleasing unto me that they should not be used, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famineDon’t you want him to be pleased with you?

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sick sucks!

I apologize if some of you have been trying to get a hold of me. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I was at home with a fever of ~102-103. That and a hacking cough that is still plaguing me, it was NO vacation.

            I think the 105 hours I worked in the last 2 weeks contributed to this, along with the average of 100 hours per 2 weeks, plus a lack of sleep, and a really fun vegan pizza party that Val and I went to on Saturday the 15th. Lots of pizzas, and a whole TABLE full of vegan cupcakes, all of different varieties. I am ashamed to say that I lost count of how many cupcakes I had. I lost track after 12 or 13. We had lots of fun watching all of the Indiana Jones movies, and all for $20 for both of us. But...I paid for it all this week.

Sunday was the most miserable day at work I could remember. Even with the heat turned up to 75, a long-sleeved shirt, and my coat, it took me more than 45 minutes to warm up, only to lose all of that precious warmth when I had to go out into the warehouse. I almost fell over a few times...Yeah, good times.

Being sick with a fever makes it really hard to enjoy anything. I didn’t play any computer games because I would have had to expose my hands to the cold outside world. I did watch a few DVD’s, namely ‘The Goonies’ and appendix 5 for ‘Return of the King’. I ate some fruit, and drank lots of water. LOTS of water. Like 6 gallons worth.

The only possible upside to all this is that I dropped ~10 lbs. I’m now down to 220 lbs. I’m becoming quite slim. How nice...

And just as a test, if anyone can actually see this picture, would you please e-mail me and let me know?

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Apparently, the war is over...

...the hi-def format war, that is.

Toshiba decided that they aren’t going to be doing HD-DVD any more, making Sony Blu-ray the de-facto hi-definition standard.

I guess this means that when I’m ready to go hi-def (not anytime soon), I’m going to need to re-buy the DVD’s I have now. I think we have ~70 movies. Oh well.

It’ll be cool to see Return of the King in HD.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Here is your First Presidency update for today...

Not much else for today, so I’ll go now.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Pres. Hinckley died this evening...

Here is the link to an article I was able to find: link


While I am sad, it certainly is reassuring to have a testimony that all of the keys and powers to make the Church work and function sit with the 12 and not with only one person.


Upon further reflection, that is the only sane, logical way to go, especially since this is God’s church. I mean, why put all of the keys in one person’s hands, except by necessity? Joseph Smith didn’t have a choice, since he was the first. But after that, obviously the Twelve are going to be the ones to make decisions, since you need to spread the keys/power around so that they can be utilized to make the work go forward. Also, accidents can happen to anyone, and since we have been told that the truth will not be taken away again, the keys have to reside with the Twelve. Since there is a very small chance of all 12 being taken at one time, someone would always be around to make sure the power/keys were not lost again. And even then, the keys also still reside with the quorums of the 70. So, they could always ordain another Apostle, give him the necessary authority, and then he could ordain other Apostles to repopulate the Quorum. And the work continues.


I feel kind of sorry for Sidney Rigdon when he tried to go it alone. He just didn’t have a chance. He didn’t realize that that isn’t God’s way. (Not that I claim to understand the mind of our Heavenly Father...)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Good day, fellowcitizens!


Your link for this post is right here.


The vegan in me yells “If you people would stop supporting the dairy and/or the meat industries, there would be enough water, and lots more arable land that could be used to grow these crops all over the world. Instead, the water is used and polluted by these machines of slaughter, and the land is used to grow food for the animals instead of the humans.

Brilliant!” Then, people wouldn’t be forced off of land because there would be a LOT MORE SPACE for everybody.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Posting at work has to be...

...the most unhelpful thing in the world.


I tried to post my Christmas pictures, but apparently my work computer won’t let the pictures through. So, still no pix.


I gave blood today, and it wasn’t bad at all. It hurt a little bit more than last time, but it wasn’t any worse than getting a shot. Someone I know gave blood and almost passed out from it; not because it hurt, but because her body doesn’t react well to being poked.


The cookies that I got afterwards were really good. MMMMMmmmmmm. Cookies.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The computer I want...

Motherboard-  Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3R

Processor- Intel Core2 Duo E6750, E6850 or QuadCore 6600

RAM – 2Gb DDR2-800 SDRAM

Video card – NVIDIA GeForce 8800 Ultra

Sound card – Creative X-fi XtremeGamer

Hard drives – WD (WesternDigital)  Raptor 1 x 150Gb and 2 x 500Gb WD5000AAKS

DVD drive – 2 x Pioneer DVR-212D

Case – Antec P182

Power Supply – Corsair HX520

Headphones –Sennheiser HMD280-Pro

Monitor: BenQ FP241W 24” LCD                 

WinXP Pro


All of this for less than $2k would be great.