Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Beginning of a new era...

Well, the funeral is over.... *sigh* Val and I sung 'The Test' by Janice Kapp Perry. Besides being vocally shaky due to the extreme emotion of the moment, everyone so far has said that we sounded great. We were the last song, and the last speaker talked after us, and then it was over.

At the viewing last night, Bernie looked quite different, being clean-shaven for one. I suppose that death makes everyone look different. But, it was still him.

It was nice to hear fun stories of him that fit exactly with my knowledge of him. It seems like he didn't change hardly at all in his life. Still a person who lived life to its fullest.

And, I will admit to him having some traits and characteristics that I wish I had in the abundance that he does/did.

So, now I am working tonight and tomorrow instead of him, so that Taunya can be with her daughter who is getting married, and also for the other daughter who is gonna have a baby soon. It will help to get someone else to replace Bernie, which is the plan. But until then, sacrifices need to be made, and I do them happily, knowing that if he were here, Bernie would be doing it himself. I miss him... :(

I hope he looks in on us occasionally, just to see if we are making him proud.

Have fun, Mr. Crabs/Your nastiness.


Vegan Valerie said...

I miss Bernie too, and I hardly even interacted with him!
It is amazing how much even one life can influence so many others...

Vegan Valerie said...

You know, singing at Bernie's funeral was one of the hardest things we have ever done, wasn't it. But I am glad that we did it.
I just hope that Bernie could tell how much we love him and how greatly we will miss him...