Monday, April 10, 2006

Dazed and confused...

I'm not sure how I feel right now. Intellectually, I grasp that Bernie is dead, and his funeral is Wednesday. But, my stomach still thinks he's gonna walk through the door, turn on his light, sit down and go to work. But, he isn't. We had to turn off the light in his office this morning because it was starting to mess with us.

He's never coming back, is he...?

It is all so sudden, we didn't have any time to adjust or prepare. It feels kinda like having something stolen, and never being able to get it back.

What do we do...?

On a lighter note, he's back! If only temporarily...


Vegan Valerie said...

No more Bernie Backyard Barbeques...
That make me feel very sad.
Do you remember, Jordan, one such of those occassions was among our first few dating experiences? That day, I even plucked up a wildflower for you from some untamed grasses in their yard...
Oh, the memories...