Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Not just sex...

Good day, netizens! It's a cold, blustery, rainy day here in SLC.

These 2 stories made me start to despair for humanity. Here is the first. Here is the 2nd.

It's obvious that the world is obsessed with sex, and has been almost since its creation. But, in these cases, and I'm sure in millions of other cases, it's deviant sex.

What is more disturbing to me is the fact that it seems to be more socially acceptable for a woman teacher to go after juvenile targets than it is for a dirty old man to go after juvenile targets. Most males will secretly wish that something like this had happened to them when they were young. Male pedophiles are almost universally villified and abhorred. Where is the equality? The teacher will surely be tried for her actions, and our noble government employee also. But what about the 13-year old male? Who's gonna be held responsible for his actions? Wasn't he a willing participant?

Most likely nothing will happen to him, and his name will fade away. But isn't his case symptomatic of a larger evil? This is a person who is sexually active at at least 13 years old, barely even starting puberty. What have his parents been teaching him? Have they kept track of him, of what he has been doing? I understand that after 8 years old a person starts being responsible for their own actions, but parents still have the responsibility to teach their children what is right and what isn't. Besides being morally reprehensible, sex while underage is illegal in all of the United States, as far as I know. So much for teaching peopleto be a responsible citizen.

I don't think that justice will be served at all in any of these situations. Sex is too casual, too uninhibited for anyone to be held really responsible. Until the 2nd Coming, we will continue to treat the symptoms rather than the cause.

I'll get off my soapbox, since I am neither a parent, nor perfect when it comes to sexual mistakes.


Vegan Valerie said...

What a deep topic for discussion today, my sweet.

As for myself, whenever I hear about horrible things happening in the world, it causes me, also, to yearn for that day when Jesus will come again, to clear-up all the garbage that is going on.

Jordan, I do not condemn you for your weaknesses. But I do want you to know that I love you, my dearest...