Friday, April 28, 2006

Pulled in 30 directions at once...

Good day. I'm not gonna apologize for my disgusting lack of communication over the last 2 weeks.

Work has sucked. We found out today that we are getting a new manager here in our department. He's from Oklahoma, and that he has a lot of AS400 experience. That's all we know.

I have hated these past 2 weeks; being strung along, and not being given any info on what is going on. I think the choice would have been obvious as to whom the position should have gone to, but the VPDCM(vice-pres distribution center manager) apparently thought differently.

I wish John had gotten the position. Life would be easier, and I would have been able to move up a bit in position. I also figure that John and I have been doing this for the last 3 weeks, and that making John manager would have been a no-brainer. We're already doing the job, so, 'what the crap?'

Is it just me, or is it asinine to have to train your own manager? So much for intelligent business decisions...


Anonymous said...

AS400s, eh? Who's the manufacturer? I built, aligned, and tested AS400 terminals when I worked for I-O Corporation in Salt Lake City from 1995-1996.

Sorry you didn't get the promotion. I've been in a similar situation, and it left a bad taste in my mouth.

Vegan Valerie said...

I know that work has been hard for you, my sweet.
You are such a goo, and I love you very much.
Hang in there...