Sunday, April 09, 2006

Death is never happy, is it?

I found out, about 1 hour ago, that my friend and supervisor Bernie Ure had died. It happened this morning, and they still aren't sure what happened.

I'm still not sure how I feel. All mixed up I suppose. Part of me remembers the fun things that he and I did together, but the other part still feels sad, while another part thinks that he wouldn't want me to mope too much.

I've only dealt with one other death in my life that has been close and personal like this one is, and it's lots easier this time, because I have my Goo. The last one was Chad Cook.

I apologize publicly to my friend Ben, who called while Val and I were at Bernie's house. I just didn't think it was a good time to answer the phone. Sorry, friend Raty...