Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Holy crap it's dark in here!

Your link for the day, gentle reader...

This seems like a cool idea, except for the not being able to see part. Maybe they'll create some sort of fiber-optic goggles so that the fibers can guide a bit of light in so that we can see. Beats me man...I really don't know.

I can see a lot of problems arising from this, but a lot of advantages also. Wars would be difficult to fight against an invisible enemy., and law-enforcement officers would be able to keep themselves safer. Of course, the minute a soldier or policeman pulled a gun, there goes the invisiblity, but they would still have tactical surprise...

I wonder if it would be a bit like a Romulan cloaking device... That would be cool.

On a sadder note: John started smoking again after a hiatus of about a year. While I understand how difficult addictions are to deal with, I can't help but feel disappointed. Such are the choices people make.