Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Post #3!

Wow, 3 posts in a day! I must be getting sick........

I'd like to take this opportunity to say that I have something to confess...

I admire my friend Ben, and the unusually clear way he sets forth his thoughts, which are extremely well thought out and written.

My confession is that I suffer from an inferiority complex.

I think my little blurbs about what is happening to me are nice, and I enjoy writing them. But, I can't help but feel outclassed by Ben's well-reasoned posts.

I know it's not a competition. And I hope this post/confession doesn't scare him away from his blog. I really enjoy reading what he has to say.

I just feel inferior.

I wish I had his gift for words and elucidation.

And it's not his fault.

And I'm NOT gonna apologize for how I feel!


Anonymous said...

I'm flattened by your comments. Thanks for helping me maintain the illusion, and for not apologizing.

In case you haven't noticed, my thoughts are also stuffy, long-winded, and insufferably boring - just as I like them to be.

Daishi said...

Absolutely stultifying...Wonderful!