Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Crazy, like a fox...


In short, the article states that N.Korea's nuke test may have the effect on the U.S. that the N.Koreans wanted: a normalization of relations and a non-agression treaty. International consensus may force the U.S. to recognize the government of N.Korea, especially if Kim Jong Il is willing to dismantle his new nuclear arsenal in order to facilitate a relationship with the U.S.

I'm not sure where I stand on this issue. I think the dictator is treating his people poorly, but how can we change it? Sanctions, in my opinion, hurt the common people, not the leaders who govern them. Short of a .50 caliber bullet from 1 mile away, what else can we do? Do we go in, topple the leadership and start another Iraq? How can we MAKE him treat his people well?

I guess we can't.


Anonymous said...

I highly recommend the book Negotiating on the Edge: North Korean Negotiating Behavior to get a fundamental understanding of how the North Koreans are approaching this situation. I purchased it a few years ago and I've found it very useful.

Of course, absent an open declaration by Kim Jong-il of what precisely his long-term goals are, we're still left to speculate, but it can't hurt to do some homework.

Daishi said...

Very true. Information is powerful, lots better than ignorance.