Monday, October 30, 2006

I like Ben's links

Here it is.

Basically, this article's points are difficult to oppose.

The Internet has failed to meet the expectations foisted upon it at its inception, and has only succeeded in reaching the lowest common denominator of human depravity, for the most part.

Of course, as with anything else, there are pros and cons. I just put books on hold over the 'net, and I can pick them up tomorrow. Sweeeet.

The internet is very helpful, but not ground-breaking.


Anonymous said...

The author did point out several advantages we've received from the Internet - especially related to convenience and speed, and academia was one of the more significant benefactors...

I've loved the ability to find long-lost and out-of-print books and music online. There have certainly been benefits. Just not the sort that usher in Utopia.

Daishi said...

I agree. It is indispensible in my life. It just seems that the bad aspects outweigh the positive ones...