Tuesday, October 03, 2006

T minus-1

Joel comes home tomorrow. Happy, happy!

Your link for today. It's the first post on the page.

Basically, Tycho examines the fallcy of the government trying to regulate the regulators of the ESRB, which is the review board for video games. Legislation is in the works to make the ESRB play completely through every game it reviews. Not to mention being impossible time-wise, considering the amount of new games that come out every month, Tycho makes the point that it is futile to try and rate player-added content that is not shipped with the game. Another point: Why should the ESRB be held responsible for what a player finds in his already sex- and violence-filled copy of Grand Theft Auto- San Andreas? Haven't they done their job by posting a Mature rating on the game? If you object to violence and/or nudity, why the HELL are you playing GTA:SA in the first place? Or letting your children play it, even IF there are nastier things hidden away on the disc?

I can hear it now: "Yes, son, I'll buy this game for you, even though it is named GRAND... THEFT... AUTO! And has a woman in revealing clothing on the cover."......"What? You kill people in this game and steal their car? You can even be a pimp? Well, that's all right, I guess................ *gasp* WTF! A simulated sex-scene! Why is this FILTH even on this game? I'm gonna sue the producer of this game for including such trash and subjecting my children to it!

Here's a news flash, politicians and parents of America... Keep track of what your children are doing and playing. Stop spending time playing golf, poker, shoe shopping, getting manicures, looking at porn, etc. ... and wake up to what your children are doing! Spend time with them instead.

Stupid people...

I apologize for my strong language. I feel strongly about this.


Daishi said...

Leah said: I was just reading your blog... Mom and I were talking last night about these school shootings and she asked how I'm feeling about them and I told her that I love that all they do is hire extra security instead of addressing the real problem aka~ the parents. Spend more time with the kids and you'll have an idea what they're up to!! CRAZY CONCEPT!!

Anonymous said...

"I feel strongly about this."

I'm not a smart man, Jen-nee, but somehow I caught that.

Daishi said...

Painfully obvious, isn't it?

Thanks so much. :D