Monday, January 19, 2009

Mon 19Jan09 – Josh’s birthday today. I think he’s 29 now, since we are almost 21 months apart in age. I hope his day has been fun.

   Alma 43 -  I can’t imagine hating anyone as much as the Lamanites did. In this chapter the Zoramites turn in to Lamanites and go to war. The Zoramites are made as leaders over the Lamanite warriors so that their hatred will be strengthened towards the Nephites. OK, I dislike some people, and a few of them I would prefer never to see again; but I’m sure I’m safe in saying that I don’t want to enslave or destroy anyone. What causes people to give their souls over to such all-consuming anger and hatred? As I said, I dislike some people, and it takes a lot of energy to dislike them, when I think about them. The Zoramite level of odio (hate) must have taken even more. No thanks, I’ll stick to disliking, which I should stop anyway, as it isn’t Christlike.

   Mosiah4.6 – ‘...if ye have come to a knowledge of the goodness of God, and His matchless power, and His wisdom, and His patience, and His long-suffering towards [me].’ Before, I thought that God was not very involved in my life. Sure, He’d answered a few prayers, I thought, but never thought of Him as involved. ‘I’m not important enough’ I would say. ‘Real miracles and such are for other, better people than I am.’ Thus, I would rarely seek His help in combating my addiction(s). Then I started to realize that all of those attributes that King Benjamin was talking about apply to Him in my life also. Joseph Smith said that faith can’t come about until we know the attributes of God, and that’s where I was. I thought that I was all by myself, and that I could handle it alone, with occasional Help when I would ask for it. Now, I hope, I know better. Christ has promised that He will help all who come to Him in humility and real intent. And as it says in D&C ‘I the Lord am bound when ye do what I say...’ He wants to help me, just as He wants to help everyone. He is kind, wise, patient and long-suffering. Yes, He justly gets upset with those who break covenants and commandments, but that is why the Atonement exists in the first place- to help those of us who have done things to distance ourselves from Them. And lets be honest, every single person who lived/lives is some distance away from Them. All are in need of help. I know He will not turn away/upbraid those who are honestly trying to do better. I know that I am just as important to Him as someone else who I think is ‘better’ or ‘more worthy of Help’.