Thursday, January 08, 2009

Thurs 8Jan09 – Alma 37.34 ‘Teach them to never be weary of good works, but to be meek and lowly of heart; for such shall find rest to their souls.’ I notice that it doesn’t say that we won’t be weary, but that our souls will rest, eventually. Serving others is, I think (even though I’m not too good at it), the quickest way to becoming Christ-like that one can find. If a person can cultivate a delight in helping and prospering others, then life becomes so much easier, I would think. And I’m pretty sure that that delight doesn’t fully grow until it is asked/prayed for.

   Ether 12.27 ‘And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness... For if they will humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.’ It’s seems a bit difficult to realize that the Lord won’t make fun of me if I come to Him and bring all of my weaknesses, trials, complaints and addictions with me. Lesser people might, but since He is the righteous Judge, He knows how to help me. As a matter of fact, He wants everyone to humble themselves, and come in frequent, prayerful supplication to Him in order to find out how He can best help us. I think that oftentimes I pay lip service to the Lord, deluding myself into thinking that since I know what my weaknesses are (and who of us doesn’t?), He must already be aware of them. And since He is aware of them, why doesn’t He help me with them? C’mon, Lord! Help-me-out-with-these-things-that-I-know-I-need-to-fix, but-haven’t- humbled-myself-enough-to-prayerfullyand-sincerely-ask-for-help-with. Remember, Divine help only comes to those who truly humble themselves, and the Lord knows if I am humble when I ask. Also, I can’t fix those addictions/complaints/trials/weaknesses myself. Only He can.