Thurs 15Jan09 – Alma 41.3-4 – No one is inherently good or bad, righteous/evil. All are judged according to their works, and deeds. v.10 – Wickedness was never happiness. This is also so true. You can’t be doing wrong things and be happy. Your eternal soul can’t like it. That which is spiritual in us cries for good things, even after a lifetime of sin. I would think that this is why even people who are reprehensible and/or depraved, when they are honest with themselves (if ever), admit to themselves that they are looking for ‘something else, something better’. That desire is their spirit, which remembers the celestial things, calling for healing. 2Ne4.19 – Even Nephi, the stalwart, obedient, humble Nephi is plagued by sin, beset by his iniquities. I’m pretty sure that the Lord told him, or he was humble enough, to record this because it shows that anyone, even the Lord’s prophet, can be attacked by temptation, gnawed at by his weaknesses, and troubled because of his humanity. This gives me hope: I don’t have to be perfect. I’m not even a prophet, and I can still receive as much aid and comfort as Nephi did, just by asking for it. But I have to trust God first, and then ask. If I ask without faith, I get nothing.
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