Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Department of Homeland what?

Here is your link for the day.

I think this is really sad. The department of the government created specifically to counter terrorism and promote national security can't even control access to its own bulding.


It's called the Department of Homeland Security! What sort of security do we have? None whatsoever!

We're worried about planes, but what about ships? Trains? Our border with Canada?

Some would say that it's impossible to control everything that comes into the country. But I say that we cut down on the unecessary 'BS' that the government funds, and use that money to help pay people to clamp down on our vulnerabilities. I'm sure that the Defense Department and the Pentagon could find a million ways to trim their budgets. Haven't we heard "You don't think they pay $75 for a hammer, $250 for a toilet seat do you?"

I'm almost beginning to believe that the best way for us to defend ourselves is to do it ourselves. Buy guns, learn how to use them responsibly, and keep our eyes and ears open.