Thursday, June 08, 2006

One right doesn't right a wrong....right?

Check this out.

I’m not sure where I stand on this issue. I think that, in the overwhelming majority of cases, abortion is wrong. That cluster of non-specialized cells will eventually become a real person, and thus should be treated as a person. Young children have protectors, judges, protective services etc. Why should a fetus be any different?

But, in this case, God has allowed us to discover the potential for good from stem cells. Right now though, the only way to get stem cells is to destroy a fetus.

I know that God will never interfere in our right to choose, but He certainly can control what kind and amount of knowledge He gives us.

There is so much potential for good that can come from stem cells. It could revolutionize the human race and the way we age. This is where ‘The ends justify the means’ speech could be made.

A quote from Star Trek: Insurrection comes to mind. Capt. Picard asks: “How many people does it take, Admiral, before it becomes wrong? A thousand? A million? How many does it take, Admiral?”

“What a shocking d-d-dilemma.”