Monday, June 26, 2006

Where are they!?!?!?!?!?!

Ah, a nice long weekend...which is over, unfortunately. *sigh*

Well, I played softball with my Elder's quorum on Thursday, for the first time in about 10 years. It was lots of fun, but I hurt quite a bit on Friday and Saturday. I need to get into better shape. I also need to remember to step away from the plate a bit so I don't destroy my shoulder/rotator cuff. By the way, it's lots harder to hit the ball than I remember from my younger days. I suppose it's gonna be one of those 'lost skills' that everyone loses sometime in their lives. I'll get it back, though.

Just so you know, I struck out in my first at bat, singled the 2nd, and walked the other 2. We won, and the score was like 26-4, or somethin'... I don't know how many RBI's I had. Doesn't really matter.

But, when we got home Thursday after the game, my shoes were dusty, so I took them out onto the deck, intending to clean them Friday morning. But....I forgot about them until this morning. There I am, wandering about for 15 minutes, looking everywhere for my shoes so I can go to work. I even woke Val up and asked her if she knew where my shoes had gone to.

After 15 minutes, I'm beginning to panic a bit, wondering what I'm gonna wear. They aren't ANYWHERE! Did they get thrown away? Sent to DI? Where are they?

Then, as I'm thinking of how I'm going to post today about the softball game and that I coul;dn't find my shoes, the connection hits- post, softball, dirty shoes, deck... AH HA!

So, I found my shoes, and if my head weren't attached to my neck, I'd prolly lose that also.

I'm out.

By the way, no link today.